Our address is Brouwersgracht 238-3A. You will receive instructions how to enter the building when you register.
Public transport
- There are good public transport options with Trams 3 and 5 and buses 18, 21, 22 stopping nearby.
- We are a 10-15 minute walk from Central Station too.
Car parking
- There is limited street parking but there are some parking stations in the area
- Please note: parking meters accept only PIN and credit card or via a parking app.
- A tip for parking from one of the families a short walk from our space, you reserve a space and pay around €3,90 per hour: https://parkbee.com/nl/parkeergarage/de-wittenkade/
For all enquiries, contact Simone Davies
The best way to contact me is by email: simone@jacarandatreemontessori.nl. I try to respond to email within 48 hours during the working week.
For urgent enquiries only phone/text: 06-16 009 060 between 11:45am – 12:15pm Mon-Fri, otherwise please email me.
Terms and conditions
Our services are covered by the standard terms and conditions issued by the Kamer van Koophandel. Download the terms and conditions here.